
How Our Corporate Travel Planners Can Help Your Business Reach Its Sustainable Travel Goals

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The way businesses view travel has changed quite a bit over the last year or so, and with good reason - with flights grounded, borders gated and office doors closed, it quickly became apparent that alternative options had to be found for face-to-face meetings that require extensive travel from one province, country, or continent to another.

However, now that there is some movement going on again, many companies are biting at the bit to get their front-line executives out there again to do the essential moving and shaking required to keep their business top of mind with existing and potential clients and collaborators. But as they do so, these businesses also want to be mindful of sustainability when they activate their corporate travel programs again.

So, how exactly do you go about travelling in a more eco-friendly manner? It all comes down to how you choose to move, where you stay, what you consume and which service providers you support while doing so. Here are a few ways in which the TravelManor team helps our clients to tread lightly on the earth as they journey for business:

Booking Passage with The Right Airlines

No matter how well you organise your corporate travels, there is going to be a sizable carbon footprint every time someone sets foot on a plane. As such, it helps to support airlines that have carbon offset initiatives in place to mitigate their impact on the environment. We know which airlines do, and we can ensure that you travel via these providers.

Recommending the Right Hotels

Certain accommodation providers go out of their way to implement sustainability measures like solar energy, greywater systems, on-site food gardens, recycling, etc. We are able to do the legwork to find out which venues in your destination cities are serious about offering sustainable accommodation and make your bookings at these hotels or guest houses.

Providing Guidance on Dining, Transfers & More

There are countless small ways in which corporate travellers can keep their carbon footprint to a minimum. For instance, if we book a hotel close enough to your business destinations, you might be able to walk, rent a cycle or use public transport instead of using a rental vehicle or e-hailing service. Additionally, if you opt to support green restaurants and enjoy mainly plant-based meals while you journey, these choices also add up to a more eco-conscious approach.

There you have it - a short and sweet introduction to how our travel planners can help your business to reach its sustainable travel goals. Feel free to contact us to find out more about our team of seasoned corporate travel planners, and the comprehensive selection of corporate travel-planning services we offer at TravelManor.

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